Where are you settling for leftovers in your own life? 

What bold step could you take to reignite your passion and make a real difference?

It’s so incredible to me when I see the most qualified, kind, leaders take themselves out of the game because they are willing to settle for less.

Take Keira, for example, a VP at a software company on the brink of a significant promotion. When discussing her potential new role, I sensed her lack of enthusiasm. 

Delving deeper, we uncovered her fears of stepping on toes and not being perceived as capable enough.

In a playful moment, I asked Keira a simple question: "Do you like leftovers?" 

This sparked a realization within her that she was settling for a role based on others' preferences and concerns. 

By challenging her to envision a scenario where she faced no limitations, Keira's excitement and passion were reignited as she described a more creative and impactful role aligned with her true aspirations.

I always urge my clients to dream BIG, and scale back on the goal only if necessary, rather than settling for mediocrity or playing it safe. 

Keira's story is a testament to the power of daring to reach for more - she now thrives as an SVP overseeing Product and Strategy, making a significant impact in her new position.

So, I ask you: Where are you settling for leftovers in your own life? 

What bold step could you take to reignite your passion and make a real difference?

Dare to dream big, to feel alive, and watch as your potential unfolds before you.